Friday, September 5, 2008


Hi Everyone! I made it safely to Ireland Thursday morning at about 4:45am. Both of my flights were good and we actually arrived early to both New York and Dublin. I sat by a girl from New York on the way to Dublin who was aroung my age and had lived in Ireland all last year, so it was nice to talk to her about a few things! After ariving in Dublin, I went through customs with no problems and then took about a 5 hour bus ride from Dublin to Cork. Nigel and Rhia came and picked me up from the bus station and we headed to Kinsale which is about 30 minutes away.

It's so beautiful here. It's really green like at home, but it looks so much different. Driving into Kinsale was probably my favorite thing so far. The little town is so cute...all the building are fun colors and its right on the water, so there are tons of sail boats. Ill try to get a picture next time im there so you can all see it!

Nigel and Olwyn live really close to the ocean, so last night Olywn, the kids and I all went to the beach. The waters definitely not warm by any means, but the kids still like it and all the sand. I even had the privelege of getting fairly wet thanks to Cormac. = )

After the beach, we took Cormac and Harvey to stay at their grandparents who live about two minutes away, so i got to meet Nigels mom and aunt, along with two of his brothers, his sister in law and her three kids.

After coming back home and unpacking, i was definitely ready for bed. I get confused with all the time differences, but i think i had been up for over 24 a bed was sounding pretty good. I think Harvey thought so too, he decided to come home from his grandparents and thought sleeping with me would be a pretty good idea. After about 30 minutes we were able to convince him that his bed would probably be best. = )

So today i woke up around 9:30. We all had breakfast and did some painting and read a few books. Now the kids are playing with play-doh and Shirley just got up from a nap. Ill try and post some pictures soon and keep my blog updated as well!

Hope everyone is doing well.

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