So i keep saying that I'm going to be better about posting things on my blog...but it has become quite obvious that the exact opposite is happening. But good news...we are leaving for holidays on Friday, I'm and quite positive there will be lots of opportunities for I promise to post them as soon as we get home!!! In the mean time though, you're just going to have to enjoy the few pictures I've taken throughout the month so far...
But maybe I should just give a little update about how everything is going first. I can't believe that tomorrow will be the beginning of my 8th week here! It's absolutely crazy how fast the time has gone...and the fact I'm going to have to go soon and ask for an extension on my visa! It seems like I just got here. But I've been keeping busy with all the's amazing how fast you fall in love with them. They definitely keep me entertained. But other than the kids and the awesome things they say and do, I celebrated my 20th I guess I'm no longer a teenager. Nigel and Olwyn took the kids and I out to dinner and shopping, so that was really fun! It's always fun to go to the shops over here because for the most part, they are quite a bit different than at home...and there aren't really stores like target or walmart here, so I'm still figuring out which stores will have the specific thing I am looking for. =) But lets see...other than that, fall has definitely hit...and the weather is getting quite a bit cooler. It doesn't rain as much as i was anticipating, but when it does rains REALLY hard. And the fact they live so close to the ocean often results in a lot of wind causing sideways rain...which is always lovely. I continue to find myself enjoying the beauty more than I could ever describe...and wishing that pictures could actually capture the true beauty...but I guess everyone is just going to have to come and see for themselves =). Anyways, the rest of this week should be pretty busy. We're having a Halloween party with all the playgroup kids on Thursday, so that will be fun to see them all in their cute costumes, and other than that...we'll just be getting ready for holidays!
So, i send my love and greetings to America...and now for some pictures! =)

This is the view out of my bedroom window...absolutely gorgeous if you ask me! On the days its not to overcast, you can see the ocean...and most other days i get to see a few cows and lots of fields too!
Rhia got a new pair of goggles to go swimming, and to say the least, I'm pretty sure she was quite fond of them. You never know when they will come in handy indoors!

Another one of
Rhia and her new pink goggles!

Here's Harvey helping his grandad carry in the
vegetables. There is a turnip somewhere under all those leaves!

I went to
Kinsale again, and decided I needed a picture of this little street...or what ever it is. I would probably have to say it is my favorite area of
Kinsale...just because I love all the colorful buildings...and because the purple building in the middle of the picture in the bookstore. For some reason, it seems as soon as I got to Ireland, reading became something I love...which i find kind of
strange considering the fact you would rarely see me sitting down with a book at home. But none the less, this little bookstore has been my favorite shop as I found a new book series that I can't seem to put down. =)

While I was in
Kinsale, I came across a little street that i guess you could say had a street fair going on. There were a bunch of little tents with things ranging from fresh vegetables to pottery to lamps. This picture doesn't show the street well, but you can see a few of the tents.

These lamps were in one of the tents...and I thought they were really cool. So I tool a picture. I come across so many things that I wish I could buy and send home to decorate my room at home...but I have to remind myself it wouldn't be worth it after shipping!

And here's just a bunch of boats...

And a few more boats with part of
Kinsale in the background.
Hmm...and I guess a few
more boats too =)
Rhia and Harvey!!! What more can you say...adorable as ever.

A little brotherly-sisterly love. Its definitely not a rare
occurrence to find them somewhere together...either playing or snuggling.

And Shirley!!! It's been really fun to watch her do new things since I've been here. A few of her more recent accomplishments have been
climbing up on chairs and sitting down...and climbing up on the playroom tables from the chairs. You would think that after the amount of times she has fallen, she might be a little more hesitant...but that doesn't seem to be the case. She's still pulling herself up all the time though, and will sometimes stand on her own
until she realizes what shes doing...but it seems like she's getting closer and closer to hopefully by
Christmas she'll be good on her feet!!

Rhia again on one of our walks! Her hair is starting to get long, and you can kind of see the little pig tales. The first time
Olwyn put her hair in the rubber bands, Harvey's reaction was "Take those horns off her head!!!!" but on the way to meeting Sunday,
Rhia had her hair done again, and this time Harvey said, " Wow
Rhia, you look
BOOOTIFUL!" So I guess he thinks they are alright now.

Here is the inside of Diva's...the little coffee shop that is sometimes the destination of my walks with

This was the beginning of my
attempt to take some "
fallish" pictures...and it didn't take long before I realized that Ireland, well this part at least, doesn't get fall the way we do at home with all the beautiful I decided to just settle for some pretty "nature" shots instead.

So here's some ivy...

And here's a tree... =)
Anyways, that's what I have for now, and I will post pictures from our holidays as soon as we get home!! Hope everyone is doing well!...and have a happy Halloween!!!